Alloy cast steel shots are commonly known as steel shots, steel shot abrasives, projectiles, cast steel shots, steel grains, steel shots. Steel grit is a substitute for cast iron shots and iron shots. It is also called shot blasting abrasives, shot blasting machine abrasives, shot blasting materials, Shot blasting rust removal abrasives, blasting materials, shot blasting abrasives, sand blasting abrasives, sand blasting consumables, sand blasting machine abrasives, shot blasting rust removal abrasives, shot blasting materials, sand blasting materials, rust removal abrasives, steel plate pretreatment abrasives, Steel pretreatment abrasive is ideal for shot blasting and shot peening to strengthen the metal abrasive. It has the characteristics of moderate hardness, good flexibility, good elasticity, strong impact surface pressure of blasting and polishing, and fine cleaning. It is widely used in the surface treatment of various materials. Mainstream blasting cleaning consumables at home and abroad.