Centrifugal grinding and polishing machine, planetary finishing machine
Centrifugal grinding and polishing machine (planetary finishing machine) The centrifugal grinding and polishing machine (planetary polishing machine) uses the drum to revolve around the main shaft, and the drum itself rotates. Through this movement, the substance in the drum is always on the outer side of the inner wall of the drum under the action of centrifugal force. And produce a fluid layer on the surface. In this fluid layer, the grinding stone and the workpiece move relative to each other, and finely cut and squeeze the surface of the workpiece, so that the surface of the workpiece is smoothed. Features: 1. The friction between the workpiece and the abrasive is relatively strong, and the grinding force is relatively strong, suitable for the polishing of harder metal surfaces 2. Use natural rubber or polyurethane as the inner lining material of the roller. Model parameters of centrifugal grinding and polishing machine (planetary finishing machine)